Our machines

100% electric cutting press with receding head and moving table – 100% electric PTMV model

100% electric cutting press with receding head and moving table

The Suteau-Anver press is robust and specially designed for cutting all non-metallic materials.
100% electric cutting press, quieter and more precise, with energy savings up to 75%.

The daylight between the beam and the table can be adjusted to optimize the cycle time.

A receding beam moves forwards and backwards with each cut. This frees up the entire cutting area.

The operator can therefore place his cutting tool and freely remove the cut parts.

When necessary and as an option, the tool can be placed under the bridge. In this case, the operator recovers only the cut parts. In other words, on this machine, the cutting counterparts can be located both on the bridge and on the rising table.

Bridge recoil is adjustable on the touchscreen in 100mm increments (configurable).
The table rises vertically towards the receding head when it is in the forward position.

The machine is easy to use thanks to its intuitive tactile interface.

Energy savings, easy to use, high productivity, minimum maintenance and safety are the key words used to define this cutting press.

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Technical features

Power supply: 400 Volts three-phased + Neutral + Earth 50hz
Beam speed, forward and backward: 56 m/mn
Beam stop accuracy: +/- 2 mm
Closing speed: 48 mm/s adjustable
Opening speed: 48 mm/s adjustable
Adjustable stroke: 20 to 65 mm adjustable
Daylight between table and beam
(without tools or cutting boards):
110 mm
Worktop height: 940 mm



Options on request, such as feeding system, tool clamping, pad shifter

Available versions

Useful formats and cutting power:

1000 x 600 mm in 35 and 70 tons
1600 x 600 mm in 35 and 70 tons
2000 x 800 mm in 35 and 70 tons
2000 x 900 mm in 35 and 70 tons

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