Our machines

Hot thermofusing machine – Model MEPP

This MARTIN thermo-fusing press integrates the range SUTEAU-ANVER for many years respecting the fundamental principales of MARTIN GROUP.

These machines of the range MEPP are the only ones to have a patented pressure system to apply thermo-adhesive on leather.

They are irreplaceable : the pressure is not given by 2 rigid plans (system that don’t give you uniformity) but the pressure is given by a rubber membrane which when she swells, gives a pressure totally uniform for each cm2 of the working area, and even if pieces with different thicknesses are prepared on the same plate.

The “lung membrane system” allow to obtain a five times powerfull pressure against the rigid plans.

  • Machine used for various applications with highest quality
  • Temperature up to  250 °C. Pressure from 0 to 1400 gr/cm2. Times from 0 to 120 seconds
  • Electronic system to control the pressure and the temperature
  • Tefloned soft double plates (manual) to work alternately and thereby improve the productivity

A complete range :

This range XTP is made for high pressure, up to 2 kg/cm2.

Reinforced structures, the maxi temperature rises at 250°C.

Technical features


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